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Version 0.40
Jason Mussetter
"FOUNTAIN" is a simple particle fountain generator that was originally
written for Steven Coy's "VIVID", but it now supports POV-Ray and PolyRay
also. Release 0.40 is the current release of "FOUNTAIN", but other beta
releases will be released later.
FOUNTAIN /<option>
The current command line options are:
/? - help; displays all the command line options along with their
default values
/o - output select; choices are: VIVID, POV-Ray, and PolyRay
/v - velocity of the particles, the higher the number the further
the particles come out
/a - angle that the particle exits
/l - random allowance; shoots the particles with a random angle
/d - particle dissolve; shrinks the particle a given amount
every frame
/g - gravity strength; earths gravity strength is 9.8
/m - minimum distance; simulates the particles hitting a "floor"
/n - the origin (x y z) of the fountain;
/t - time (# of frames); maximum of 400 frames for current version
/p - particle count
/r - particle radius
/h - threshold of blob; only works with the /o option
/e - strength of blob; only works with the /o option
/y - rotation of the fountain; 180 will make a half fountain, etc.
/c - scale of scene; the bigger the number the smaller the scene
/i - include statement
/s - surface definition
/w - preview; will show you the path of the particles on the
screen without writing to disk
To use the command line options, you enter "FOUNTAIN" and as many of the
option switches as you wish (NOTE: **DO NOT** enter the actual option
values at the command line, the program will prompt you for them when needed).
You can use as many options as you wish.
The /i option is very useful and should be used in all scenes. For best
results, create a vivid file called "CAMERA.V" or something similar and
put the camera definitions in this file. Then, when using fountain, use
the /i option and enter "#include CAMERA.V" when prompted (this is now
the default), this will create each frame with the camera definitions
already in it, the alternative way is to type in all of the camera definitions
for each frame individually.
The /s option is also very useful. When you use this, you can either
enter the actual surface definition, something like "SURFACE {DIFF 1 0 0}"
or something similar, or you can define a surface in the "CAMERA.V" file,
using the "#DEFINE" command, and just put the name in when the program prompts
you for one. **NOTE** You must use this option as well as the /i
option when outputing to POV or PolyRay.
The /c option is useful when the output scene you make is too big and
you can't fit all the particles in the shot unless you have you camera
way far away (ie: 0,100000,0) which happens alot, so you can scale your
scene down to a better size.
The /l option will give the fountain a nice random look to it. The
random allowance is the maximum number of degrees that can be added to
the original angle to determine what the random angle will be. For
example, suppose that you made the exit angle of the particles 10, and
you used the /l option and entered 80 for the Random Allowance. This
will cause all the particles to shoot out at a random angle between 10
and 90 (10 + 80). If you still don't unterstand, play around with it
and see the results. **NOTE** A bug was found in this option which
causes it to shoot the particles in 360 degrees know matter what the RA
is. Working on this, hopefully I will have figured out what is caused
this by the next version.
The /m option which is the long awaited Aritificial Collision
Detection parameter might still be a little buggy. I tested it a couple
of times with a few *SIMPLE* animations and it looked like it was doing
what it was supposed to do. However, if you find and bugs in it with
more complex animations, please inform me.
When using the /o option, you must remember that FOUNTAIN uses the
right-handed coordinate system when outputting to VIVID, and the
left-handed coordinate system when outputting to POV-Ray and PolyRay.
So be careful when defining "up" in the CAMERA definition in these programs,
otherwise you may end up with a sideways fountain. Also note that when
outputting to POV-Ray and PolyRay, you must costomize the surface and
include options, otherwise it will be in VIVID syntax, thus producing a
error while tracing.
That's about it for now, as I said before, the program is only a beta
version right now. If you find any program bugs, or have any ideas or
questions, please contact me here at The Graphics Alternative. I will continue
to add and change features in later releases. Some of the things I'm planning
on adding are: output to other raytracers, and a higher frame count so your
not limited to 400 frames. I would also like to give special thanks to
Darby Johnston for answering my tough questions about particle
animation, and Adam Shiffman for some great suggestions. Good luck, and have
fun, and don't forget to keep looking for newer releases of "FOUNTAIN"!